5x5 Challenge
Fashion Revolution Week
Obviously there’s no magic wand that will fix all woes, overnight. But intentional, mindful actions can make change happen every day!
It’s easier than ever to buy new, cheap clothing. But the reality is that the garment industry still has one of the worst reputations when it comes to the treatment of the people working in it, as well as its overall effect on the environment. YOU can change that.
5 Garments = 5 Looks x 5 Days
Could it be that easy to change the world?
Instead of buying something new when you need a wardrobe update, challenge yourself to take another look in your closet.
Download the 5x5 Challenge as a PDF handout HERE!
Check out all the Fashion Revolution Week events on our CALENDAR!
2021 5x5 Challenge

Here’s the Deal:
In April, go through your closet and pick out 5 items to create a capsule wardrobe that you will wear over the course of 5 days. Specifically Monday, April 18th through Friday the 22nd.

To participate in the 5x5 Challenge:
Post all 5 days with your ‘Outfit of the Day’; tag with #FashionRevolution2022 AND #AIBI5x5Challenge
Tag @aibichicago and @fash_revusa
Follow #AIBI5x5Challenge to see everyone’s outfits!
Follow @aibichicago and @fash_revusa on Instagram to get updates on the 5x5 Challenge and more info on ethical labor and sustainability in the fashion industry!
Looking for an extra challenge?
Choose garments that are from a brand that is sustainable, ethically sourced, and/or fair wage focused. Tag them too.
Choose garments that are from a local small business or designer. Tag them too.
Tag friends with the phrase “I 5x5 Challenge you!” and see what fun looks they come up with!